Walif Chbeir

Literature, Art & Culture

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Three of Muhammad Ali’s Best Fights

  “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Muhammad Ali, then still going by Cassius Clay uttered this phrase first in an interview when he was still breaking into the boxing scene. It later became the mantra of the greatest boxer of all time, as he toyed with George Foreman by later tacking on […]

Trois Orwellien Auteurs Vous devriez Savoir a propos

  George Orwell est  l’un des écrivains les plus brillants de la la littérature anglaise.  Connu surtout pour ses romans dystopiques comme  “1984” et “Animal Farm”. Son oeuvre se caractérise par une ‘écriture mystique , une imagination débordante  et un  réalisme critique hallucinant. Son oeuvre porte, d’ailleurs,  la marque de ses engagements contre l’impérialisme anglais, […]


Bienvenue sur la page de blog de Walif. Il prévoit de partager les mises à jour au sujet de ses œuvres préférées de la littérature, de la musique et de l’art ici. Restez à l’écoute!

3 Orwellian Authors You Should Know About

George Orwell is hands-down one of the most brilliant writers in England’s rich history of literature. Known mostly for his dystopian novels “1984” and “Animal Farm”, Orwell’s witty writing style, intelligence, and penchant for social justice and in-depth analysis of life make his works incredibly interesting reads. His writing was so influential that it spawned […]


Welcome to Walif’s blog page. He plans to share updates about his favorite works of literature, music and art here. Stay tuned!

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